Like Stray Cats in a Street Fight
Zarrin, although she didn’t speak a word until she was two, has always been a phenomenal communicator. Even as a newborn it was easy to decipher if her cry was because she was hungry, tired, wet, etc. She had very…
Colorful, Little, Blue Starfish
I always knew I’d love watching Zary grow. I remember fawning over the tiny wet footprints on the bath rug that suddenly seemed an inch bigger. I can’t explain to you how confused I was the day the lights in…
The Boo-Boo Bee
I’m well aware that the best way to handle bumps and bruises with a toddler is to not overreact. I’m also routinely overreactive about EVERYTHING, so, guess what? My kid cries over anything. Every stubbed toe. Every time she walks…