Like Stray Cats in a Street Fight
Zarrin, although she didn’t speak a word until she was two, has always been a phenomenal communicator. Even as a newborn it was easy to decipher if her cry was because she was hungry, tired, wet, etc. She had very…
The Walmart Bathrobe
Call me June Cleaver, but I tend to like looking good when Nick comes home from work. Makes me feel like I accomplished something during the day, even if that’s a farce. In my final month before entering momma-hood,…
“Sleep When the Baby Sleeps” is B$.
Anyone care to congratulate me with a well-deserved bottle of Veuve? I just slept four consecutive nights without a single bout of insomnia. FOUR WHOLE NIGHTS! My new personal record of the last 19 months. (Disclaimer, I took melatonin twice…