• Uncategorized

    Naughty Fishies

    Prior to my pregnancy with Mina, Zary knew me to be kind of over the top on fitness and energy. I’d run her to every playground, sometimes 3 or more a day. We might even hit the grocery store on…

  • Kids,  New Baby,  Parenting,  Sleep

    The Boss

    Growing up with an older brother, I played a lot of video games. We had this odd, cold, tiny room in the back of our house that us kids dubbed “The Nintendo Room”. We had a first-generation Nintendo hooked up…

  • Humor,  Kids

    Like Stray Cats in a Street Fight

    Zarrin, although she didn’t speak a word until she was two, has always been a phenomenal communicator.  Even as a newborn it was easy to decipher if her cry was because she was hungry, tired, wet, etc. She had very…

  • Uncategorized

    Use Daddy’s Money

    This month marks two years since I officially quit my job to be a stay-at-home mom. I know this life would make some parents absolutely crazy (it does that to me some days, too. Most often on the days where…

  • Humor,  Parenting,  Toddlers

    Colorful, Little, Blue Starfish

    I always knew I’d love watching Zary grow. I remember fawning over the tiny wet footprints on the bath rug that suddenly seemed an inch bigger.  I can’t explain to you how confused I was the day the lights in…

  • Humor,  Parenting,  Toddlers

    The Boo-Boo Bee

    I’m well aware that the best way to handle bumps and bruises with a toddler is to not overreact. I’m also routinely overreactive about EVERYTHING, so, guess what? My kid cries over anything. Every stubbed toe. Every time she walks…

  • Toddlers

    She’s a Licker

    One of the most satisfying parts of being a mom is accidentally stumbling into genius parenting hacks.  Keep a roll of puppy-poop-bags in your car to hold dirty shoes and diapers. Slip an oversized t-shirt on top of the baby’s…

  • Fashion,  New Baby

    The Walmart Bathrobe

    Call me June Cleaver, but I tend to like looking good when Nick comes home from work. Makes me feel like I accomplished something during the day, even if that’s a farce.    In my final month before entering momma-hood,…

  • Toddlers

    Nakey Time Houdini

    There is a sizeable amount of nudity in our house. Before you get ahead of yourself, it’s definitely not me. And (unfortunately, wink wink) not my husband. It’s my 19-month old. She just can’t seem to keep her clothes on.…

  • Sleep

    “Sleep When the Baby Sleeps” is B$.

    Anyone care to congratulate me with a well-deserved bottle of Veuve? I just slept four consecutive nights without a single bout of insomnia. FOUR WHOLE NIGHTS! My new personal record of the last 19 months. (Disclaimer, I took melatonin twice…